The main aim of the project is to create the conditions and develop infrastructure for the transition of Policy-making towards new applications: the research, development and application of prototype tools and processes for participatory design and decision making both online and offline, on a local and on a national scale. In this context, the project objectives include:

1) Action research for the development of new knowledge and new democratic experiences that strengthen social cohesion and combat hate speech.

2) Capacity building of individuals and communities for collective change management.

3) Connection of tools and online/offline methods for participatory governance and substantial citizen engagement, limiting the digital gap.

4) Social Diplomacy development in order to raise the issue of the democratic deficit and the institutional exclusion of Civil Society in Greece, putting forward the need for a new Constitution.

5) Development of a transnational community of supporters of the project the broader mission to develop a Global Research and Innovation Center for Democracy and Political Science in Athens.

We want your ideas.